Sunday, April 28, 2013

Cause Design

For my design, I looked up a bunch of causes and organizations around Vermont. I found one that I had never seen before it is called, "Vermont Special Artists". This organization is one that brings kids together of special needs in creating works of art! I thought this was an appropriate, and thoughtful organizations!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Texture portrait

A few hours worth of work, but it was so much fun!!! I couldn't stop. Very cool project! This was something I've never done before and happy with the results!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Value scale

final value scale!

Shape and Motion


exaggerated size:
This image is clearly an example of exaggerated size. It is an image of masking tape; which is the original size of a softball in diameter. And placed inside a average size building with nearly half its hight in measure to the room.


This is my example of overlapping, clearly seen two train tracks overlapping trails. The center of the "x" is the center axis and meeting point of the two tracks which is an overlapping image.

multiple perspective:
This is a multiple image perspective. By looking at this angle, you can see multiple perspectives or things around the building that you may not be able to from one side. <>


figure repeated:
Clear image of a one person's body that is repeated multiple times, through maybe two images? So this may also be a multiple image photo of a woman walking.

blurred outlines:

I love this one. The dog is enjoying the ride of the vehicle's motion. Blurred images around the dog states that the dog or his face at least is still, and the image around him is in motion.

Anticipated motion:
Anticipated motion, is a memory of something we may already know and 'feel' movement. We all know the movement of water, this painter used his own technique and formed from what he knew, an image of the oceans movement.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Value Scale & Pattern and Texture Design

Here is my Value Scale assignment:

 And here is my Pattern and Texture Assignment:

Sunday, March 24, 2013

3 Images

 Here are my three images for this week. I chose to use a high heel shoe, as you can probably see clearer than the other objects in the image, the second was a TV antenna in a in a fold up chair.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Sunday, March 3, 2013

O.K. I would like to do this over if I can. I am not sure I did it right...
But here it goes... This is my sound project, I was originally going to do all different drawings but figured it would be too confusing and the purpose for the sound wouldn't be as clear. Also I wasn't sure if we could make up our own opinion on what the sound described, but I made a few. And for the last photo, I hope it is visible enough to notice it is an image inside the mouth of the sound or scream coming out of the person's mouth.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Abstract Kitchen Supplies

Here is my collage of all things in my kitchen. This was a neat project, it wasn't as easy as what I thought it up to be, but I guess the key to art is the process of creation.

Here's my abstract image of the picture above. I love how the mixer and the wine opener turned out. Reminds me of a little heart, the only thing you can really identify that wasn't naturally in the image to begin with.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Collage Scale & Proportion Assignment

This is my collage of my niece and sister from her maternity shoot I did for her. The intended focal point is to the right of my collage. Although there seems to be a lot going on in my collage, I guess that is what is intended to look like. So, it maybe hard to see at first but if you blur your vision, what is the thing that most comes to mind? My niece in the window, and my sister against the window.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Emphasis and Focal Points

Amber Osgood, "Soul Searching"

This is an example of contrast between the colors of my eye and the surrounding black and white are an example of this. 
It is a change in color and is "often used to achieve emphasis by contrast." (pg. 59)

Amber Osgood, " Pebble for Peace( and I stand alone)"

I think this is an example of isolation because the pebble stands alone, there is nothing else of its size that could compare. It is also isolated from the colors that are similar to the pebble. Its placement in the photograph and the horizontal blurs above and below the pebble, isolates itself from the rest of the image.

This is an example of contrast between the colors of my eye and the surrounding black and white are an example of this. 
It is a change in color and is "often used to achieve emphasis by contrast." (pg. 59)


Amber Osgood, "Dancing Ferns"

The ferns spiraling head is what is emphasized, It's placement is clear to the viewer and right up front. You can see that the images behind it are also ferns, but can see what the intent was. 

One Element:

Amber Osgood, "Power"
I chose this image "Power" for one element because the shoe is almost overbearing, you wouldn't notice the people running or buildings behind it at first glance.
In relation to Pierre Bonnard's image, "Coffee" where the dish is the focal point and everything else is noticed after. The shoe is emphasized because of the green spikes and colors. The only thing I wish I did differently, was make the adidas symbol larger.

This is an Image I found on cellar paper, by Yayoi Kusuama.
I think this is also an example of one element. everything around the woman is poke-a-dotted and her dress is patterned into a winding motion, also her hair contrasts with the yellow background.

Thursday, January 31, 2013


Curious Cow- North Hyde park VT : Elmore mtn Photography
This image was one I found browsing on the Elmore Mtn Photography Facebook page. There is a lot of beautiful work! 
This particular image drew me in because of all the curious cows, and how intrigued this one cow is while looking into the lense of the camera. That being said this image reminds me a lot of these images:
Sophie Taeuber-Arp's, "Composition of Circles"
It reminds me of this image because in relation to the cows it looks like they are moving in the same motion throughout the page, in this case it is the shapes moving down the page in a curve. With the cows its almost like they are coming from the camera lense, into the picture, and back to the center of the cows nose.
And also 
Takashi Murakami, "Killer Pink"
This image I found similar because of all the flower heads surrounding the lense, the only thing that is different is these are all jumbled, the cow heads are in a singular motion. But both are an example of Repetitive similarity of Unity. 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

My Ideal 2D pieces

My ideal in not only 2D design but also in most art that attracts my eye is placement, color appealing to the eye or texture and also motion or movement.

One of my favorite artists mastered this beautifully in his work; M.C. Escher.

One of the reasons I chose this class and my degree in the field of art ( not only as a requirement) but because of the admiration I have for artists who don't only see something as what they are, but really what it takes to show the viewer another way of thinking or seeing something. Two-Dimensional design is a hard technique to master, but once one really understands the concept of what 2D is and how to express it it is so worth the accomplishment.

M.C. Escher, Eye

M.C. Escher, Drawing Hands

M.C. Escher, Hand with glob