This image was one I found browsing on the Elmore Mtn Photography Facebook page. There is a lot of beautiful work!
This particular image drew me in because of all the curious cows, and how intrigued this one cow is while looking into the lense of the camera. That being said this image reminds me a lot of these images:
Sophie Taeuber-Arp's, "Composition of Circles"
It reminds me of this image because in relation to the cows it looks like they are moving in the same motion throughout the page, in this case it is the shapes moving down the page in a curve. With the cows its almost like they are coming from the camera lense, into the picture, and back to the center of the cows nose.

And also
Takashi Murakami, "Killer Pink"

This image I found similar because of all the flower heads surrounding the lense, the only thing that is different is these are all jumbled, the cow heads are in a singular motion. But both are an example of Repetitive similarity of Unity.